Sunday 11 December 2011

Solving Problem

Solve the following problems.
1. Ramlan has 5705 stamps. Lina has 178 less than Ramlan. How many stamps does Lina have?


    Answer: __________ stamps

2. Kamal takes 45 minutes to answer 9 questions. How long does he take to answer one question?


    Answer: __________ minutes.

3. A coffee table has the length of 45cm. What is the total length of 7 such coffee tables?


    Answer: __________ cm.

4. Roslan shared equally 960g of mangoes with Krishnan and Tan. What is the mass of the mangoes that Krishnan get?


    Answer: __________ g.

5. A pencil costs 60 sen. How much will nine pencils cost?


    Answer: __________.

Refleksi Soalan Penyelesaian Masalah
Saya telah menyediakan soalan penyelesaian masalah di atas untuk murid-murid saya di Tahun 3. Saya didapati ada segolongan murid saya sangat sukar menjawab soalan berbentuk penyelesaian masalah bagi subtopik operasi tambah, operasi tolak, operasi darab dan operasi bahagi. Masalah utama yang dihadapi oleh

Monday 5 December 2011

Latihan Matematik Tahun 3

1) 8713 + 256 + 147 =

2) 5865 - 983 - 567 =

3) 104 x 8 =

4) 72 ÷ 2 =

5) 15sen + RM23 =

6) 17hours x 6 =

7) 365cm ÷ 5 =

8) 88kg x 9 =

9) 104 ÷ 8 =

10) 246g - 69g =

Counting by tens song